Saturday, April 05, 2008

Biggest missionary loser --Week 2

So here we are again at the end of another week. I will confess that those of you eager to scan the depths of my personal life and find out about the incredible victory that I've experienced over Mr. Stover this week, will be disappointed. Did I lose to Mr. Stover? Doubtful. Will I ever lose to him? Only in sumo match or a donut eating contest.
So, here's the lowdown. On Friday morning I had to make an unplanned trip to Surin to look at some houses here and transport some of our belongings to storage. So, I wasn't able to check my weight on THE official scale at home. When I left on Friday morning, I was running just at the 14 pound mark. So, I can't give an official update until next Saturday. For those of you who were able to view Mr. Stover's blog, you will see that he found a delightful picture of me that will adequately describe why I need to continue losing weight.
Speaking of pictures, where's this guys' chin????? Good thing it's cold in Poland for 10 months of the year. At least Mr. Stover can keep on hiding inside those HUGE jackets. Check him out at

1 comment:

Kathi Hayes said...

All I can say is Jason sure has a pretty wife!