Monday, October 22, 2007

My Garden

We only have about 4 feet by 6 feet for our porch which is perched 12 stories above a slum village right below. I decided back in June it would be fun to grow something with the kids so we bought some tomato seeds and pots and dirt and stuck the seeds in the ground. Here we are four months later and we have about 30 tomatoes on the vines but we haven't had any of them turn red yet. Rainy season here is just about to end so now that the sun is shining again, maybe they'll start changing to red. We're also growing some cilantro as well. If I could get some onions to grow, we'd be able to have our own salsa!

1 comment:

Kathi Hayes said...

A blog about your tomatoes--why am I NOT surprised?? =P Will they be ready for turning into salsa when we come for Thanksgiving?